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Vesna Mandakovic

Consejera CIES UDD | Ph.D. en Economía, PUC



1.         Kimmitt, J., Mandakovic, V. & Muñoz, P.(2022), Social problem scale, public investment and social entrepreneurship action, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research,  https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-07-2021-0556

 2.         Guerrero, M., Mandakovic, V., Apablaza, M., & Arriagada, V. (2021). Are migrants in/from emerging economies more entrepreneurial than natives?. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-22.

 3.         Poblete, C., & Mandakovic, V. (2020). Innovative outcomes from migrant entrepreneurship: a matter of whether you think you can, or think you can’t. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-020-00705-7

 4.         Poblete, C., & Mandakovic, V. (2020). Experts in entrepreneurship: opportunities and context evaluation from the perspective of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs.Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEEE-01-2020-0014

 5.         Muñoz, P., Kibler, E., Mandakovic, V and Amorós, V (2020). Local entrepreneurial ecosystems as configural narratives: A new way of seeing and evaluating antecedents and outcomes. Research Policy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104065

 6.         Lecuna, A and Mandakovic, V (2020). Want more high-growth entrepreneurs? Then control corruption with less ineffective bureaucracy. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews https://doi.org/10.1080/03080188.2020.1792128 .

 7.         Amorós, J.E, Ciravegna, L., Mandakovic, V. and. Stenholm, P (2020) “Necessity or opportunity? The effects of state fragility and economic development on entrepreneurial decisions» Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1042258717736857

 8.         Amorós, J. E., Poblete, C., & Mandakovic, V. (2019). R&D transfer, policy and innovative ambitious entrepreneurship: evidence from Latin American countries.  Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-20.

 9.         von Bloh, J., Mandakovic, V., Apablaza, M. , Amorós,J.E, and Sternberg, R (2019) “Transnational entrepreneurs: Opportunity or necessity driven? Empirical Evidence from two dynamic economies from Latin America and Europe” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2018.1559996 .

 10.       Poblete, C., & Mandakovic, V. (2017). “El rol de la inmigración y las expectativas de crecimiento en el emprendimiento innovador: el caso de Chile”. Información Comercial Española, ICE: Revista de economía, (899), 55-66.

 11.       Mandakovic, V., Amorós, J. E., & Munoz, P. A. (2016, December). “One Size Does Not Fit All: A Complexity-Based (Re) Examination of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems”. In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Babson College.


1.         Mandakovic V., Romani G., Santander P., Serey T., y Soria K (2018) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Reporte Mujeres y Actividad Emprendedora en Chile 2017

2.         Mandakovic, V and Arriagada, V (2018) Visas para Emprendedores: Política Comparada. ISBN: 978-956-398-051-6

3.         Baier, H.,  Espinosa, J., Mandakovic, V., Serey, T y  Yañez, C. (2017) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Reporte Regional del Bío-Bío 2016-2017. Ediciones UCSC.

4.         Mandakovic, V and Serey, T (2017) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Reporte Nacional de Chile 2016.

5.         Abarca, A.,  Espinosa, J., Mandakovic, V., Rojas, P y  Yañez, C. (2016) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Reporte Regional del Bío-Bío 2014-2015. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción/Universidad del Desarrollo/Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria: Concepción, Chile.

6.         Mandakovic, V., Abarca Montero, A., y Amorós, J. E. (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Reporte Nacional de Chile 2015.


1.         Amorós J.E., Poblete C., Mandakovic V. (2021) Ambitious Entrepreneurship and Its Relationship with R&D Policy in Latin American Countries. In: Guerrero M., Urbano D. (eds) Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurial Innovations. International Studies in Entrepreneurship, vol 51. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70022-5_4

2.         Amorós, J.E,.and Mandakovic, V (2017) “Chilean Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A gender analysis on entrepreneurial activity”, in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women’s Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Analysis, (pp. 197-221).

3.         Guerra, M., Mandakovic, V., Pizarro, O., and  Lepeley, M. T. (2016). “Dual Demand for Executive Education and Training: Individual Needs and Institutional Demand in Chile”. In Human Centered Management in Executive Education Global Imperatives, Innovation and New Directions,, Lepeley, M Kimakowitz E & R Bardy (pp. 30-48). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

4.         Mandakovic, V.,  Cohen. B. and Amorós, J.E. (2015) “Entrepreneurship Policy and Its Impact on the Cultural Legitimacy for Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country Context”. In Entrepreneurship, Regional Development and Culture, M. Peris-Ortíz & J. M. Merigó-Lindahl, (Eds.). Springer International: New York. pp. 109-125.

5.         Lepeley, M T, Pizarro O and Mandakovic, V (2015) “Women Entrepreneurs in Chile: Three decades of Challenges and Lessons on Innovation and Business Sustainability” in Female Entrepreneurship, in Transition Economies, Trends and Challenges, Ramadani, V., Gerguri-Rashiti, S., & Fayolle, A. (Eds) (pp.247-264).  Palgrave Macmillan.


1.         (2019-2022): Coinvestigadora. Fondecyt regular Nº 1191017,  “El Abuso de la Libertad de Empresa en los Contratos de Adhesión. Un Análisis Integral de las Cláusulas Abusivas de Consumo (2008-2018)”. Investigador responsable Julio Alvear

2.         (2017-2019) IDRC-Sistemas B, “Climate Change Risks and Opportunities for B Corporations in Latin America”. Chilean team leader joint with Pablo Muñoz.

3.         (2017) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant, “From Exception to Rule: The Role of Regional Innovation Ecosystems in the Development of Women Entrepreneurs”. Joint with Josephine McMurray , Katherina Kuschel, Kerstin Ettl Judith Sixsmith Heidi Sveistrup.

4.         (2017-2019) Atlas Foundation Liberating Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Grant, “Migrations and Entrepreneurship in Chile” Grant 6314. Joint with Cristian Larroulet.

5.         (2016) BIARI ALUMNI RESEARCH INITIATIVE 2016-17, “Paradoxes of Innovation(s) in Latin America”. Joint Pablo Calderon, Jose Hernandez and Marcos Teixeira.

6.         (2015) Subsecretaría de Medio Ambiente  “Seguimiento de Indicadores de Mortalidad y Morbilidad asociada a Material Particulado Respirable en las Comunas de Concepción Metropolitano” Joint with Claudia Blanco, Sabit Cakmak, Maria Angélica Rubio and Robert Dales.


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