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Mauricio Rojas

Research professor


He is the author of about thirty books in and translated into various languages, as well as numerous book chapters, essays and other publications. Several of his texts have been used as study material at the university level in matters of economic development, political philosophy, immigration and integration of immigrants, economic history and problems of the welfare state. On this occasion only printed books are mentioned (excluding those edited only electronically) with their original title and the date of the first edition.


– 1986: Renovatio Mundi: Essäer om Marx, marxismen och marxismens kris (Renovatio Mundi: essays on Marx, Marxism and the crisis of Marxism) Lund: Ekonomisk-historiska föreningen.

– 1988: Latinamerikas sociala och ekonomiska historia (“Social and economic history of Latin America”). Lund: Studentlitteratur.

– 1993: I ensamhetens labyrint: Invandring och svensk identitet (“In the labyrinth of loneliness: Swedish immigration and identity ”). Stockholm: Brombergs.

– 1995: Sveriges oälskade barn: Att vara svensk men ändå inte (“The unloved children of Sweden: Being Swedish and yet not”). Stockholm: Brombergs.

– 1995: Tillväxt, Stagnation, Kaos: En institutionell studie av underutvecklingens orsaker och utvecklingens möjligheter (“Growth, stagnation, chaos: An institutional study of the causes of underdevelopment and the possibilities of development”). With Christer Gunnarsson. Stockholm: SNS.

– 1997: I krusbärslandets storstäder: Om invandrare i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö (“In the big cities of the country of the currants: On immigrants in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe”). With Benny Carlson and Pieter Bevelander. Stockholm: SNS.

– 1997: Svenska främlingar: Att älska Sverige med dess fel och brister: Om invandrare och dess möjligheter (“Loving Sweden with its mistakes and defects: About immigrants and their possibilities”). With Lena Liljeroth. Stockholm: Gedin.

– 1998: The Rise and Fall of the Swedish Model. London: SMF (also published in Swedish).

– 1999: Millennium Doom: Fallacies About the End of Work. London: SMF (also published in Spanish, German, French, Italian and Swedish).

– 2001: Paradoxen SAF: Om den svenska modellens uppgång och fall (“The paradox of the Swedish Employers’ Association: On the rise and fall of the Swedish model”). Stockholm: Timbro.

– 2001: Gemenskap och företagande: Företagande bland invandrare och minoriteter i USA (“Community and entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship between immigrants and minorities in the United States”). Stockholm: Timbro.

– 2001: Beyond the Welfare State. Stockholm: Timbro (also published in Swedish).

– 2001: The Riddle of the Post-National Power.Stockholm: Timbro (also published in Swedish).

– 2002: The Sorrows of Carmencita: Argentina’s Crisis in a Historical Perspective. Stockholm: Timbro (also published in Swedish, Spanish and Portuguese).

– 2004: Farväl till gemenskapen: Tre essäer om Sverige (“Goodbye to the community: Three essays on Sweden). Stockholm: Timbro.

– 2007: Diario de un reencuentro: Chile treinta años después (Journal of a reunion: Chile thirty years later). Santiago: El Mercurio-Aguilar.

– 2008: Reinventar el Estado del bienestar: La experiencia de Suecia (Reinventing the welfare state: Sweden’s experience). Madrid: Gota a Gota Publishing House (also published in Italian).

– 2011: Pasión por la libertad: El liberalismo integral de Mario Vargas Llosa (Passion for freedom: The integral liberalism of Mario Vargas Llosa). Madrid: Gota a Gota Publishing House (also published in Sweden).

– 2012: Argentina: Breve historia de un largo fracaso (Argentina: Brief history of a long failure). Buenos Aires: Publishing Group Temas.

– 2012: Madrid, ciudad para compartir: El modelo Madrid de integración de los inmigrantes (Madrid, city to share: The Madrid model of immigrant integration). Málaga: Sepha Publishing House.

– 2014: Suecia, el otro modelo: Del Estado benefactor al Estado solidario (Sweden, the other model: From the benefactor state to the solidarity state). Santiago: FPP.

– 2014: Conversando con Sebastián Piñera (Conversing with Sebastián Piñera). Santiago: Planeta Publishing House.

– 2015: Diálogo de conversos (Converts Dialogue) (with Roberto Ampuero). Santiago: Penguin Random House.

– 2016: La historia se escribe hacia adelante (The story is written forward). Santiago: Uqbar.

– 2016: La libertad y sus enemigos: Ensayos liberales para un Chile emergente (Freedom and its enemies: Liberal essays for an emerging Chile). Santiago: Uqbar.

– 2017: Lenin y el totalitarismo (Lenin and totalitarianism). Santiago: Penguin Random House.

– 2017: Diálogo de conversos 2 (Converts Dialogue 2) (with Roberto Ampuero). Santiago: Penguin Random House.

– 2018: La democracia asediada (The besieged democracy). Santiago: Res Publica.

– 2018: 94 horas: Crónica de una infamia (94 hours: Chronicle of an infamy). Santiago: Ediciones El Líbero

– 2019: Inmigración y emprendimiento: Experiencias de Estados Unidos y lecciones para Chile (Immigration and entrepreneurship: Experiences from the United States and lessons for Chile). Santiago: FPP.

– 2019: El joven Marx: Los orígenes del comunismo moderno (The young Marx: The origins of modern communism). Santiago: Penguin Random House.