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Global Business Administration

¡Vive tus vacaciones en la UDD! Tour - Ensayos - Talleres Vocacionales

English level requirement

To study the Global Business Administration degree, you should certify an English level of B2 (CEFR) or higher. You can present a certificate of an International English test* issued in the last two years, certifying the required proficiency, or take the test that the program offers, which would determine your English level.

 *IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent

¡Sign up!

Saturday, July 20th 10 AM – At UDD


National students must apply through the centralized Chilean system of higher education (Sistema Único de Admisión-DEMRE) and meet the requirements of the selection test (PAES).

Cutoff score 2024 cohort: 829,6 points


Mathematics M140%
Reading Competence10%
Science or History10%
We also have special admission for foreign students, IB, NEM, and others.