- Ph.D en Economía, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
- Magíster en Finanzas, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
- Magíster en Economía, Universidad de Chile, Chile
- Ingeniero en Información y Control de Gestión, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Áreas de interés:
– Economía del Emprendimiento; Economía Financiera; Economía de la Incertidumbre; Productividad y Eficiencia
1. Bonilla, C. and M. Vergara, (2020), Risk Aversion, Downside Risk Aversion, and the Transition to Entrepreneurship, Theory and Decision, forthcoming.
2. M. Vergara and Bonilla, C., (2020), Precautionary Saving in Mean-Variance Models and Different Sources of Risks, Economic Modelling, forthcoming.
3. M. Vergara, (2017), Precautionary saving: A taxonomy of Prudence, Economics Letters 150, 18-20.
4. M. Vergara, Bonilla, C., J. Sepulveda and, (2016), The Complementarity Effect: Effort and Sharing in the Entrepreneur and Venture Capital Contracts, European Journal of Operational Research 254 (3), 1017 – 1025.
5. Bonilla, C., C. Cancino and M. Vergara, (2015), The Impact of Government Support Programs for the Development of Businesses in Chile, Management Decision 53 (8), 1736 – 1754.
6. Bonilla, C. and M. Vergara, (2013), Credit Rationing or Entrepreneurial Risk Aversion? A Comment, Economics Letters 120 (2), 329 – 331.