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Workshops académicos 2016

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Primer semestre

Centro Fecha Expositor Grado Ponencia
CIE 16-mar  Horacio Rousseau PhD candidate IESE Business School “A Configurational Approach to Studying Grand Challenges: How Nonprofits, Local Institutions, and Community Fabric Interact to Influence Community Inequality”
CEEN 23-mar Arturo Cifuentes Director Académico del CREM “Una Estrategia de Inversión Activa/Pasiva para las AFP”
IE 30-mar Daniëlle de Winter Masters of Science: Conflict Resolution and Governance “Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship”
CEEN 13-abr Herman González Economista Principal BBVA «Analyzing the impact of monetary policy on financial markets in Chile»
CIE 20-abr Javier Capape PhD Candidate IE “Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Strategic Governance View”.
IE 27-abr Roberto Chávez Profesor Investigador FEN-UDP “Manufacturing capability and organizational performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation”
CIE 18-may Lorenzo Cerda Planas Paris School of Economics – Adolfo Ibañez «Moving toward Greener Societies: Moral Motivation and Green Behavior»
IE 25-may Rene San Martin Profesor Investigador FEN-UDP “Altruistic traits are predicted by the neural responses to monetary outcomes for self-versus charitable institutions”
CEEN 31-may Guillermo Acuña Profesor Investigador FEN – UDD On the Predictive Power of Consumer Confidence
IE 08-jun Jared Larson Universidade de Lisboa  «Mobilidad intraeuropea del S. XXI: las percepciones del migrante sobre el acceso al estado de bienestar»

Segundo semestre


Centro Fecha Expositor Grado Ponencia
IE 13-Jul Zenia Hellgren Investigadora Universidad Pompeu Fabra  «¿Emprendedores transnacionales migrantes como agentes del desarrollo?»
IE 20-jul José Fernández Profesor Investigador FEN-UDD “A simple index of innovation with complexity”
IE 27-jul Rolf Sternberg  Universidad de Hannover, Alemania  «Ivory tower and regional environment – How do they influence the emergence of student start-ups?»
CIE 03-ago  Erica Salvaj, Mauricio Herrera, Sebastián Diaz  Profesores UDD and PhD student  “What make companies remain in the business elite?  Mínimum Spanning Tree and Interlocking Directorates”
IE 17-ago Carmen Contreras DPhil candidate, University of Oxford “Social Networks and High-Tech Cluster Formation in Emerging Markets: The Emergence of Biotechnology in Chile»
IE 24-ago Daniel Lerner  Joint Appointment FEN – UDD  “Micro and Marco Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Action: Two Paper Presentations”
IE 31-ago  Kingsley Njoku, Jamie Meehan y de Osa Godwin Osaghae  Dublin Institute of Technology  «DIT’s Entrepreneurial Cube and PhD Structure: What is the Process?»
 IE 07-sep  Harold Paredes-Frigolett  Profesor Investigador FEN/UDP “Generic innovation network formation strategies and how to implement them in developing and transition economies”
CIE 05-oct Pascual Berrone Profesor Asociado IESE “Can we work it out? Examining Barriers to the Disruption of Polluting Practices in US Communities”
 IE 26-oct  Carlos Albornoz y Víctor Martínez Profesores Investigadores FEN-UDD  “The impact of entrepreneurial college education on shaping the entrepreneur “
CIE 09-nov Gastón Llanes School of Business, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile “Entry into complementary good markets with network effects”
IE 23 -nov Marcos Vergara Profesor Investigador FEN- UDD  “Precautionary saving: A taxonomy of prudence»
CIE 30-nov Cristián Larroulet y  Juan Pablo Couyoudmjian Profesores Investigadores FEN-UDD “Ideas, Instituciones y Emprendimiento: el caso de Chile en el siglo 19”
CIE 07-dic Rodrigo Cerda Centro Latinoamericano de Políticas Económicas y Sociales – UC “Economic Uncertainty Impact in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Chile”
CIE 15-dic Ignacio Pavez Case Western Reserve University