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Jean Sepúlveda

Académico e Investigador FEN UDD | Ph.D. North Carolina State University, EE.UU.



1) «The effect of bank ownership and deposit insurance on monetary policy transmission revisited: The role of precautionary savings” (with M. Vergara), Finance Research Letters, forthcoming 2022. (WOS)

2)“The Complementarity Effect: Effort and Sharing in the Entrepreneur and Venture Capital Contract” (with M. Vergara y C. Bonilla), European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming. (ISI)

3)“Earnings Management and Performance in Family-Controlled Firms: Evidence from an Emerging Economy” (with M. Jara), Academia, Forthcoming. (ISI)

4) The factors affecting the risk attitude in entrepreneurship: evidence from Latin America (with C. Bonilla) Applied Economics Letters, 2014, vol. 21, issue 8, pages 573-581. (ISI)

5) Financial Markets and Politics: The Piñera Effect on the Chilean Capital Market (with C. Bonilla & H. Contreras) Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 2014, vol. 50, issue 1S, pages 121-133. (ISI)

6) On the relationship between concentration and competition: evidence from the Chilean private pension system, Applied Economics Letters, September 2012, vol. 19(14), p. 1385-1389. (ISI)

7) Stock returns in emerging markets and the use of GARCH models (with C. Bonilla), Applied Economics Letters, October 2011, vol. 18 (14), p. 1321-1325. (ISI)

8) Determinants of the risk’s attitude toward entrepreneurial activity: Evidence from Chile (with C. Bonilla), Academia, March 2011, 46, p. 72-80. (ISI)

9) Family Ownership and Firm Performance in Chile: A Note on Martinez et al.‘s Evidence (with C. Bonilla y M. Carvajal), Family Business Review, June 2010, vol. 23 (2), p. 148-154. (ISI)

Áreas de interés:

Banca y Política Monetaria
Economía Financiera
Economía del Emprendimiento

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